Wally Walters Foundation is an innovative not for profit organization that is dedicated to providing vital resources to impoverished individuals in Nigeria.
Wally Walters Foundation uses the M.E.T. (Music, Education, and Technology) approach to develop youths, while the W.E.E. (Workshop, Education and Empowerment) approach is used to develop widows and marginalized women that are less privileged.
The organization's projects, implemented by a well-trained staff, provide opportunities for those who would otherwise not have access to essential basic necessities necessary to achieve a better quality of life.
Wally Walters Foundation plans to use workshop skills training and education to empower widows and marginalized women in Nigeria.
At Wally Walters Foundation, our mission, vision and values is to create a world where every individual has access to the resources, opportunities, and support they need to lead a healthy, educated, and fulfilling life, free from poverty and inequality.
Become a VolunteerThe mission of Wally Walter Foundation is to support orphans, widows and the underprivileged in Nigeria.
Wally Walters Foundation plans to use music, technology and education to develop orphans, youths and vulnerable children.
Wally Walters Foundation plans to use workshop skills training and education to empower widows and marginalized women in Nigeria.
1. To empower orphans, troubled youths, widows and the less privileged.
2. To encourage education and cultural exchange programs.
3. To provide and assist in the care of troubled youths, street children, widows, orphans, less privileged. by the establishment of feeding programs and homes.
4. To raise, mobilize and disburse funds and other resources for the promotions of the Organization.
5. To receive contributions, gifts, banquets and devices either in cash or other property real or personal without limitations to amount of value except such limitation as may be now of hereafter prescribed by law.
6. To establish or assist in the establishment of schools, colleges, universities or other educational centers and libraries and to publish news letters, brochures, periodicals, and books desirable for the promotion of the Organization.
7. To develop and acquire resources via philanthropic contributions to guarantee the mission of Wally Walters Foundation.
8. Engage in humanitarian and social activities that will help restore hope into the lives of the underprivileged individuals as needed.